Secondary Glazing: Transforming Noisy Draughty Windows to Deliver Quiet and Warmth.
There are some circumstances where replacing old inefficient windows is simply not a viable option.
This might be due to Planning restrictions that oblige retention of the original windows or where the costs become too high due to the more expensive types of windows that Historic Environment Scotland oblige.
A further issue is the burden on replacement window contractors to safeguard the installers working at height and the general public below which might require that they erect scaffolding which can make Secondary Glazing windows the far less expensive and far more effective option.
Secondary Glazing: Greater Efficiency, Less Cost
Secondary double glazed windows can have a substantially greater effect in reducing noise and heat compared to replacement windows.
Where permissible thermally enhanced replacement windows can transform the comfort levels with reductions in heat loss of over 75% and reductions in mid frequency noise transmission of circa 30 Decibels.
Internal thermally enhanced Secondary Glazing windows can achieve reductions of over 90% and reduce external noise to the point that it is hardly discernible.
So not only does this solution avoid the potential problems and extra costs with Planning and Health and Safety it also delivers better results at less cost.
For more detailed information visit our Secondary Glazing page, or if you need help on finding the optimum solution for your situation Contact us at Window Advice Centre and we will be pleased to help.
Transform and Enhance Your Home with Window Advice Centre
Without charge or obligation, the independent Chartered Architectural Technologists and Replacement Window experts at Window Advice Centre are available to help you.
By contacting Window Advice Centre, you can access impartial expert advice to help you identify the best solution for your specific needs and then be provided with itemised directly comparable costs from a range of approved reliable Replacement Window or Double Glazing companies who have all been subjected to constant appraisal over hundreds of installations over many years.
Contact us by telephone on 0141 332 7878 or arrange your FREE no-obligation Survey and expert advice by clicking this Book a FREE Survey link or the button below.